We’re now two weeks into the new year and hopefully you’re starting to find your rhythm and are working towards you goals! What is your goal? If you haven’t set a goal yet now is the time! Not some arbitrary goal or something too far out. Put something on the calendar. Set a deadline to get yourself motivated. We recommend signing up for a race, because once you sign up you’re a lot more committed. Lots of good options in the near future at obstaclecircuit.com/runthetricities
In the near future we want to suggest Frozen Tundra on January 27th! A great way to kick off your race season and get an idea of where your fitness is. It’s short, inexpensive and a lot of fun!
Also be sure to join our team when you sign up or if you’ve already signed up you can login and select your team! We’d love to have you as part of our team and help us try to take the team win!
Prices go up after the 18th so don’t delay on getting signed up!
Freezing Fitness is this weekend! Saturday at Noon! Come freeze with us! The official polar plunge might have been cancelled, but with the weather looking like it will be warming back up a little bit we still plan on doing our cold plunge following the workout! Reminder that the jump in the Columbia River is encouraged, but will be optional. Come join only for the workout. It’s sure to be freezing regardless!
Learn more and get registered at obstaclecircuit.com/freezingfitness
And of course your next week of workouts is available! Keep working for your goals and training to improve your future!
Additionally if getting outside is tough because of the weather and you don’t have access to a gym or equipment here’s some alternative cardio exercises to do to get your heart rate up:
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Butt Kickers
High Knee Run
Recommend doing max reps (as many as you can) for 2-5 minutes, repeat 2-3 times or mix them together for your own unique cardio workout. These are a replacement for the run/walk/bike. If you’re doing these you might consider lightening up on the rounds of the exercises portions, but this is your challenge. Add, adapt or adjust however you feel will benefit you best!
Lastly classes are still happening! Even with the cold KIDS, SKILLS and TRAINING classes are still on. Make sure you dress warm. Plenty of layers and good gloves.
See the latest schedule updates and get signed up at obstaclecircuit.com/schedule
Reminder that if the weather seems too cold or the roads don’t look safe you can cancel at any time with no fear or getting charged. Please just shoot a quick text to 509-492-5959 to let us know you won’t make it!